Optimizing Online Donations Through Testing


The American Bible Society (ABS) sought to enhance its online donation experience and improve the conversion rate of its donation form. RKD Group worked closely with ABS to conduct a series of tests on donation form layouts. The aim was to increase conversion rates and overall revenue by optimizing the user experience. 

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Website Development

Advanced Analytics


Over several months, ABS and RKD conducted three phases of donation form layout tests. Here’s a breakdown of each phase: 

Phase 1: Initial Test 

  • Objective: Compare control and variant forms. 
  • Control Form: The control form was the original ABS donation form, featuring a straightforward layout with minimal images, standard rectangular buttons, and all fields visible at once. 
  • Variant Form: The variant introduced larger, more prominent buttons, a modern design with enhanced visuals, and a cleaner layout that still displayed all fields at once. 
  • Results: The variant form had a higher conversion rate of 22.03% compared to the control’s 15.34%, making it the winner despite a lower average gift. The modern design and larger buttons likely contributed to the improved user experience and higher conversion rate. 

Phase 2: Continued Optimization 

  • Objective: Build on Phase 1 findings and introduce new elements. 
  • Control Form: The control form was now the Phase 1 variant, with its modern design and larger buttons. 
  • Variant Form: The Phase 2 variant was a completely redesigned layout prioritizing a powerful, vibrant image. This form featured the image prominently, with an updated, modern look. Elements such as larger rectangular buttons and a toggle option between one-time and monthly donations were retained. 
  • Results: The variant form showed a higher conversion rate (22.65%) and a significantly higher average gift, confirming its effectiveness over the control. The emphasis on visual appeal and user engagement through imagery proved successful. 

Phase 3: Final Refinements 

  • Objective: Test additional layout changes. 
  • Control Form: The control form was the Phase 2 variant, maintaining the strong imagery and modern design. 
  • Variant Form: The Phase 3 variant introduced a step-by-step donation process, where users were presented with one field at a time. The image size was reduced, and the text was moved below the image. This approach aimed to simplify the user experience by breaking down the process into manageable steps. 
  • Results: Despite more gifts from the variant, the control form (Phase 2 variant) outperformed in average gift value and conversion rate. The step-by-step process did not resonate as well with donors, making the control form the ultimate winner. 

Results and Discussion

The testing phases provided valuable insights into donor behavior and preferences:

  • Phase 1: The variant form, with its modern design and larger buttons, outperformed the control in conversion rate (22.03% vs. 15.34%), making it the initial winner. 
  • Phase 2: A completely redesigned layout, prioritizing a powerful image, continued the success with a higher conversion rate (22.65%) and average gift value. 
  • Phase 3: Introducing a step-by-step donation process, the control form (Phase 2 variant) ultimately performed better in average gift value and conversion rate. This form was declared the overall winner and adopted as ABS’s main donation form. 

This case study showcases how thorough testing and strategic adjustments can optimize online donation forms. ABS’s collaboration with RKD Group led to a deeper understanding of their audience and improved donation processes, ultimately enhancing their fundraising efforts.

Future Steps 

ABS and RKD will continue to refine the donation form by testing different copy lengths, paragraph structures, and gift arrays. Additionally, personalization through first-party website data will be explored to further tailor the donation experience to individual donors’ preferences. 


Conversion rate in Phase 3


Higher revenue than Phase 3 Variant


Higher average gift than Phase 3 Variant

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